[systemd-devel] /usr vs /etc for default distro units enablement

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 07:09:36 PST 2014

2014-11-18 15:59 GMT+01:00 Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie>:
> Didier Roche wrote on 18/11/14 13:58:
>> This would be maybe a nice way for the admin to know what's coming from
>> a distribution default or not. However, let's say I want to ensure that
>> ssh will always be available on my server, I would (even if it's in my
>> server preset) then systemctl enable openssh, no matter whatever future
>> preset updates does (like disable it in the next batch upgrade).
> For the avoidance of doubt, I believe that running systemctl preset
> should only ever happen on *first* install, never on upgrade or such like.

And what are you going to do, if the unit file changes?
Say v1  had


and version B has

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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