[systemd-devel] plans/roadmap for mdns support in resolved

Vasiliy Tolstov v.tolstov at selfip.ru
Wed Nov 19 03:57:43 PST 2014

2014-11-19 1:32 GMT+03:00 Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>:
> Yeah, that should just work already. LLMNR uses single-label names,
> hence resolving the unqualified hostname of local link-local peers
> should "just work" if resolved and nss-resolve are used.

Thats fine.

> Note that link-local ipv6 addresses for the name resolution stuff
> aren't fun to use in Linux right now, as the glibc NSS eats up the
> scopeid, when a client wants to resolve a hostname and specifies an
> address family. THis has the effect that resolving to link-local IPv6
> addresses via "ssh" will just work (since ssh makes no restrictions on
> the address family when resolving the hostname), but via "ping6" will
> actually fail (since ping6 specifies AF_INET6 as address family...).

Hm I need very specific use-case. I have eth0, eth1, dummy0 with ipv6
addresses in different nets and i need to assign hostname to dummy0
address, that can be reacheable via eth0 or eth1 =).
Does this possible?

Vasiliy Tolstov,
e-mail: v.tolstov at selfip.ru
jabber: vase at selfip.ru

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