[systemd-devel] Native Journal source vs syslog forwarding

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Nov 30 15:22:04 PST 2014

On Wed, 26.11.14 13:08, Gergely Nagy (algernon at madhouse-project.org) wrote:

> >>>>> "Colin" == Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie> writes:
>     Colin> Gergely Nagy wrote on 26/11/14 10:04:
>     >> 3) Disable syslog forwarding if syslog-ng is installed
>     >> 
>     >> Not sure how this could be achieved, because journald.conf does not
>     >> belong to the syslog-ng package, therefore I can't fiddle its
>     >> settings from there. (Technically, I could, but I won't, that'd be
>     >> extremely rude.)
>     Colin> I think there were some patches recently that talked about added ".d/"
>     Colin> dir support for such config files. Thus syslog-ng could ship a
>     Colin> /etc/systemd/journal.conf.d/syslog-ng.conf file which did this (or
>     Colin> preferably a /usr/lib/systemd/journal.conf.d/syslog-ng.conf file so it
>     Colin> follows best practice guidelines for stateless systems)
> Thanks, this sounds like a good start!

Please don't tape over things. Let's figure out the cause for the
message first. You really shouldn't get the message if everything was
working right...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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