[systemd-devel] [PATCH 2/2] sysusers.d: split files to cope with split packages.

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Oct 2 00:18:55 PDT 2014

On Tue, 30.09.14 14:44, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri (gustavo.barbieri at intel.com) wrote:

> > systemd-timesyncd is ~400kb. Other binaries aren't too big
> > either. Splitting everything up complicated things, and I'm not convinced
> > that this is a useful change.
> indeed they are not big per se, but see my other email about tmpfiles,
> they contribute to a misinterpretation of systemd. since they are
> optional I want to make that clear and help the user to choose.
> I do have a complete set of packages for yocto that generates that
> nicely and the final system size difference is huge: 7.5 to 30Mb
> (whole system, not just systemd, but the dependencies, etc -- in
> contrast sysvinit + busybox is 6.5Mb).
> as I wrote in the other email, I'll make sure that some packages are
> highly recommended (ie: journal, udev, sysctl...), but forcing

We don't support builds without journal or udev. We simply don't.

> everyone to ship a ntp client (timesyncd) is asking for trouble when
> people analyze systemd x options.

Yes, timesyncd should definitely be optional, and so should resolved,
that's true. I'd be OK with splitting those out on tmpfiles/sysusers,
but would really prefer this to be done via m4, rather than in
seperate files.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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