[systemd-devel] How soon after login can I rely on systemd --user having reached sockets.target?
Lennart Poettering
mztabzr at 0pointer.de
Thu Oct 23 02:49:27 PDT 2014
On Thu, 23.10.14 08:09, Damien Robert (damien.olivier.robert+gmane at gmail.com) wrote:
> Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek wrote in message
> <20141019135812.GU29695 at in.waw.pl>:
> >> > PAM creates sessions by calling into systemd's pam-module, which then
> >> > uses CreateSession() (internal api!). This call does not return until
> >> > the job of user at .service is done. `systemd --user` notifies READY=1
> >> > only after "default.target" is ready.
> > Hm, this seems a bit excessive, because default.target can take
> > a while. basic.target would seem more natural.
> But isn't using default.target more flexible than basic.target? When
> basic.target is activated I expect at least socket.target, timers.target
> and path.target to get activated too; whereas I could imagine an user
> wanting a completly empty user session [*], which could be done with an empty
> default.target [#].
basic.target includes sockets.target, busnames.target, timers.target
and paths.target as well as sysinit.target.
> [*] I don't use cron anymore, so I don't know if a cron session goes
> through systemd's pam module in my distribution's pam settings default,
> but I could imagine that if it were the case we would want a mostly empty
> user session in this case.
Yes, all user code really should go through PAM, so that security
labels and resource limits can be set up properly.
> [#] With DefaultDependencies=false
> Right now by default default.target is a symlink to basic.target. It seems
> natural that the user session starts default.target, like the system session
> does. Otherwise what would be the meaning of default.target? Something
> started by the DM when the user logs in rather than by pam?
> (Actually now that user sessions are getting more used, it would indeed be
> nice to standardize a name of a target to start when a graphical login is
> used!)
Regarding graphical stuff: the way I figured this should work is that
all desktop environments would define their own gnome.target,
kde.target, xfce.target and then some graphical.target symlink would
point to the preferred version. These targets would then bring up
averything that's necessary for the specific session type.
Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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