[systemd-devel] Stop Job for User Manager

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Thu Oct 23 09:10:37 PDT 2014

Chris Bell wrote on 23/10/14 16:38:
> It looks like Fedora recently implemented changes in the user at .service
> unit file to address this issue. They use:
> ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM ${MAINPID}
> KillSignal=SIGCONT
> as opposed to KillMode=mixed.

FWIW, I think KillMode=mixed is the preferred option. It was introduced
to allow us to send a kill signal to the MAINPID, but then give it time
to kill it's children nicely before we go on to kill them as part of the
killing spree of anything that's left over.

So really the KillMode=mixed solution in Arch is the correct, upstream
blessed approach that should work in newer systemd versions.

The above workaround is very much a temporary sticking plaster.

> The changes are live in Fedora 20; my F19 server and Arch box don't
> have these modifications. The patch was submitted mid-September.
> Is this a 'valid' workaround? Is there a better way? Any comments from
> those in the know?
> I apologize if I'm asking this in the wrong place; I've had a very
> hard time getting assistance with this. If there's a better place to
> have this discussion, please let me know.

It's the right place to ask certainly!

You can always try this approach on the Arch box and see if it helps. If
it does, then it might be worth looking at the issue again as perhaps
there are still some problems with it.



Colin Guthrie

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