[systemd-devel] How soon after login can I rely on systemd --user having reached sockets.target?
Lennart Poettering
mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Mon Oct 27 10:19:17 PDT 2014
On Sun, 26.10.14 20:47, Damien Robert (damien.olivier.robert at gmail.com) wrote:
> >From Lennart Poettering, Fri 24 Oct 2014 at 01:09:56 (+0200) :
> > So, I really would prefer if this logic wasn't just a "hook", but
> > actually the primary action of logging in graphically via a display
> > manager.
> Ok, and login off would just be something like 'systemctl stop
> gnome.target'?
Could be, yeah.
> > On multiseat setups you could hence merge multiple seats into
> > a single meta-session with the workspace spanning all of the seats if
> > you keep logging in with the same user.
> I could imagine having several virtual machines that connects via ssh -X to
> the main computer to launch graphical sessions (so that there is no need to
> install it on the vms); in this case there would be a need to start the
> same target but with different displays. And the solution I outlined on my
> preceding mail using instances target templates work very well (and it does
> since a long time, I was very impressed when I tried it and it worked out
> of the box); but having 'hooks' on logind would help a bit.
Well, the way I think remoting espcially with the advent of wayland
should work is that when you cannot via VNC/Spice or similar, this new
screen also gets added to the existing meta-session as another
display. In this case these VNC/spice displays would simply show the
same contents as any pre-existing sesion already though by default,
instead of "extending" the virtual screen real estate...
(and to turn this around: even in multi-head setups such a clone mode
might make sense too: on each display you log into you could
optionally just clone what you already see on the others...)
Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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