[systemd-devel] I wonder… why systemd provokes this amount of polarity and resistance

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Oct 28 09:05:37 PDT 2014

On Tue, 28.10.14 11:28, Dale R. Worley (worley at alum.mit.edu) wrote:

> > From: Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek at in.waw.pl>
> > 
> > That mostly applies to people who actually don't use systemd and are
> > commenting from the peanut gallery. Actual *users* when they are unhappy
> > are unhappy about bugs.
> That is not entirely true.  I'm a user (because systemd is in Fedora
> 19), and I've complained that if I mark an /etc/fstab entry as
> "nofail", some part of systemd will wait *forever* to see if the
> partition becomes available, whereas the behavior that I want (which
> was provided in earlier Fedora releases) is that once the system
> gets to the point of user logins, it will give up on automatic booting
> (and leave it to manual control).

I have already replied to this, and pointed out that such a scheme is
inherently racy, and that this is something we will unlikely support
natively in systemd. Sorry for that. 

And please don't make this a "but it worked fine in sysvinit!" thing,
because it was racy there as well.

> I've not received any useful feedback on how to customize my system to
> behave that way, and no indication that there is any intention to add
> it as a feature.


I am sorry, if this reply doesn't make you happy, but I guess we will
not be able to mke everybody happy. But please be fair enough to admit
that you did get a response from us, and a clear explanation that we
will not support this upstream, and why we won't do so.

> So it is clear that this is not a "bug", as it is the behavior
> intended by the designers, but I'm still not happy.

I am sorry for that, 


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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