[systemd-devel] sysusers: Unconditional chown on /etc/{passwd, group, shadow, gshadow}? Is it sane?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Oct 29 07:19:28 PDT 2014

Simon McVittie wrote on 28/10/14 16:54:
> On 28/10/14 16:34, Colin Guthrie wrote:
>> It seems we have different permissions for /etc/{g}shadow than fedora.
>> We don't package it as 0000,root,root but rather 0440,root,shadow.
> Who is "we"? Mageia? FYI, Debian uses 0640 root:shadow for the same files.

Yeah in this case, I meant we=Mageia, but I figured we wouldn't be alone.

>> We can then run some tools that need direct access as setgid rather than
>> full blown setuid. I'm not totally convinced of the security benefits
>> here (and I think actually 0440 is buggy for a setgid tool like chage -
>> I'd have thought it would need to be 0660 to actually change the age,
>> but I digress).
> In Debian, the policy is that members of group shadow may read the
> shadow password files (so that, given a typed-in password, they may
> check whether it matches the stored hashed password) but only uid 0 may
> write those files. Your file permissions seem consistent with that
> policy; your distro is probably relying on setuid-root tools being able
> to ignore the lack of read permission because they also get

That seems to fit in with what I'm seeing yes.

I'll send a patch in a moment that looks as if it would address this
issue (untested but looks safe enough - could be made a bit more
streamlined if needs be but just left it verbose for now)



Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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