[systemd-devel] shutdown

Tom Deblauwe deblauwetom at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 10:50:05 PDT 2014


I'm using systemd, but can't seem to correctly shutdown. I have already:

- checked: reboot -f works
- enabled the debug-shell on vt9

So I was hoping to issue the "systemctl list-jobs" command from the 
debug shell, however, it didn't allow me to type in commands. The debug 
shell allows me to type something but it is as if the shell is not 
receiving that input. So I can't use the debug shell it seems.

So I decidec to execute "journalctl -x -f" while the sytem is running, 
and then do "reboot". So I only see it gets to log "Shutting down." but 
then nothing anymore.

Is there an option to do something similar to "journalctl -f" but then 
instead with "systemctl list-jobs" so I can see the reason for the waiting?

Or is my only option remaining to attach a serial cable?

I am using systemd 217.

Best regards,

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