[systemd-devel] Suppressing automounting

Dale R. Worley worley at alum.mit.edu
Wed Sep 10 12:56:45 PDT 2014

> From: Mantas Mikulėnas <grawity at gmail.com>

> > What I was thinking of is, what is the program that reads (directly or
> > indirectly) the Store.mount file and from that decides exactly how to
> > call mount(8), and when to call it?
> It's systemd itself (pid 1).
> > My guess was that the name of this program would be listed *in* the
> > *.mount file, but that does not appear to be so.
> That would not make any sense: if the program wasn't running yet, how
> could it possibly start itself in order to read the .mount file which
> just tells it to start itself?

In many systems, there's a framework program that reads a lot of
control files which describe the bits of work to be done.  The
framework program figures out the sequencing and dependencies of the
various bits of work, while there are separate programs that *execute*
the bits of work.  And the names of the execution programs are not
hard-coded within the framework program, they are specified in the
control files.  That sort of structure makes the framework program
simpler, and enforces a defined interface between the framework
program and the execution programs.  It also makes it easy to add new
execution programs without changing the framework program.


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