[systemd-devel] Question about relationship between systemd v219 and kernel version.

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sun Apr 5 23:32:03 PDT 2015

Am 06.04.2015 um 08:17 schrieb 임창근:
> Hello EveryOne.
> I wonder that If I use kernel v3.4 with systemd v219, systemd-run function is work or not.
> Because My target have kernel v3.4 and systemd v216.
> So, If possible, I want apply just minor upgrade at kernel side.
> Which Kernel Feature needed? or impossible?

systemd typically is not tested against *taht old* kernnels at all and 
recent systemd requuires mostly a recent kernel - what is the purpuse of 
such a *stone old* kernel with a fresh systemd? don't you think the 
combination is more then questionable?

look at RHEL7, a way newer kernel and a conservative systemd


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