[systemd-devel] [PATCH v2] journalctl: Improve boot ID lookup

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Apr 8 05:39:48 PDT 2015

On Thu, 02.04.15 17:08, Jan Janssen (medhefgo at web.de) wrote:

> This method should greatly improve offset based lookup. We now don't have
> to aggregate the full boot listing just so we can jump to a specific position,
> which can be a real pain on big journals just for a mere "-b -1" case.
> As an additional benefit --list-boots should improve slightly too, because
> we now need to do less seeking.
> Note that there can be a change in boot order with this lookup method
> because it will use the order of boots in the journal, not the realtime stamp
> stored in them. That's arguably better, though.
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72601
> ---
> Hi,
> today I realized that it would be nice if we could do without the cursor seeking.
> Turns out we can! I could swear that I tested sd_journal_flush_matches() would
> reset our position in the journal. But it seems that sd_journal_next/previous
> will advance just fine from the last position we were in, even after a flush.
> Though, I would still like someone with better journal internals knowledge confirm
> that this is how it's supposed to work.
> Some testing/timing from others than me would be nice too.

Hmm, the patch is hard to read, can you explain what precisely the new
algorithm is you propose?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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