[systemd-devel] [PATCH] fstab-generator: Support root on tmpfs

Tobias Hunger tobias.hunger at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 00:06:39 PDT 2015

Hi Lennart,

that does sound interesting. Let me polish my patches for stateless
systems on real hardware a bit first though:-) It would give a
horrible impression if the system would not come up properly, just
because you forgot to pass root= to the kernel. Sorry for the delay, I
was on vacation over the eastern

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:21 PM, Lennart Poettering
<lennart at poettering.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 22.03.15 00:57, Tobias Hunger (tobias.hunger at gmail.com) wrote:
> BTW, if you are interested, I'd be willing to take this one step
> further even, and default to tmpfs as root fs, if only mount.usr= is
> specified on the kernel cmdline, and root= is missing.
> Lennart
> --
> Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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