[systemd-devel] [RFC 0/6] A network proxy management daemon, systemd-proxy-discoveryd

Dan Williams dcbw at redhat.com
Fri Apr 10 07:22:10 PDT 2015

On Fri, 2015-04-10 at 15:17 +0300, Tomasz Bursztyka wrote:
> Hi,
> As it has been discussed in the systemd hackfest during the Linux Conference
> Europe, one daemon could centralize the management of all network proxy
> configurations. Idea is something user can do per-application (like in
> firefox for instance) or broader (per-DM like in Gnome), user could do it
> once and for all through such daemon and applications would then request it
> to know whether or not a proxy has to be used and which one.
> As a notice, this is nothing new. Such standalone daemon has been already
> done by the past, pacrunner. systemd-proxy-discoveryd will more or less
> implement the same ideas with improvements. It will get rid of big JS
> engines like spidermonkey or v8 which are overkill for the tiny PAC files
> to be executed on, for instance. From pacrunner experience, APIs will be
> also improved.

I haven't looked in great detail, but is there some way that other
services (like NetworkManager) which have information about proxies
discovered via DHCP, would get this information to the daemon?  AFAIUI
Lennart in the past has wanted "higher level" stuff (like this daemon I
presume) to pull that information from "lower level" processes (like
NetworkManager or systemd-networkd).  What are the provisions for that?


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