[systemd-devel] [PATCH] network: allow domain names up to 255 characters

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Apr 12 06:35:32 PDT 2015

On Fri, 10.04.15 13:03, Nick Owens (mischief at offblast.org) wrote:

> From: mischief <mischief at offblast.org>
> The maximum domain name size is larger than the maximum host name size.
> The smaller limit causes valid domains provided by DHCP or .network
> files to be silently ignored.


Can you give an example?

What is a domain name according to your definition? And what a

So far, a hostname in my definition was either a single label, or an
fqdn, and a domain name the part of the fqdn with the first label

With such a definition I am not sure I understand the patch, hence
please explain, and give a valid example of where this turns out to be
an issue?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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