[systemd-devel] [PATCH] automount: add expire support

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Sun Apr 12 14:21:59 PDT 2015

On Sun, 12.04.15 22:33, Jan Luca Naumann (j.naumann at fu-berlin.de) wrote:

> Hey Michael,
> it is very nice that you add this missing but useful feature :-)
> I'm not a systemd-developer so I want to ask you if it is possible to
> add a hook for execute something after the unmount (for example to
> delete the mount directory)?

Well, we don't really want logic like that in systemd I
fear. Generally, with mounts we want to ensure that invoking
/bin/mount or /bin/umount on a directory isn't too different in its
effect than executing the same operations with systemd's own logic
using "systemctl". 

That said, I must be convinced that we should add a high-level setting
to mount units for removing directories after umount.

Can you elaborate on the usecase please?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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