[systemd-devel] Problem with intermediate target

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Apr 20 08:31:32 PDT 2015

On Thu, 16.04.15 17:10, Christoph Pleger (Christoph.Pleger at cs.tu-dortmund.de) wrote:

> Hello,
> I wrote:
> >> Sounds like you want to create intermediate.target, change
> >> default.target to point at it, boot all the way up to
> >> intermediate.target, and at that point isolate or start
> >> multi-user.target.
> > I chose that solution, because from all possible solutions for the
> > desired boot order, it seems to be the one which is closest to my idea.
> After setting intermediate.target as default target and defining a service
> belonging to intermediate.target that switches to graphical.target, I
> discovered the following (which does not happen when graphical.target is
> the default target):
> With the package pidentd installed, which does not bring a .service file,
> but only an init script that wants to create a directory /var/run/identd,
> at boot time some error messages appear on the screen that /var is not
> writable. Obviously, /var is not mounted yet when the script is executed.
> After booting, this is the content
> of/run/systemd/generator.late/pidentd.service:
> # Automatically generated by systemd-sysv-generator
> [Unit]
> SourcePath=/etc/init.d/pidentd
> Description=LSB: setup for pidentd
> DefaultDependencies=no
> Before=sysinit.target
> After=remote-fs.target

Are you using a Debian-derived distro?

We explicitly dont support early-boot sysv scripts upstream, because
they are unworkable. I know that Debian patches support for this back
in, but that's on them.

Please ask the Debian guys for help with this. 

Early-boot sysv scripts are something we explicitly removed support
for years ago, for a good reason. If your distro supports this anyway,
they need to care for it.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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