[systemd-devel] Adopt processes spawned before /lib/systemd/systemd takes over as PID 1?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Apr 20 10:49:36 PDT 2015

On Mon, 20.04.15 12:12, Matt Hoosier (matt.hoosier at gmail.com) wrote:

> > > inexperienced poking around the internal default suite of units packaged
> > > with systemd.
> >
> > This is not available, though often requested. But I doubt this can
> > ever work, since "running before 'everything'" or "running after
> > 'everything'" is not particularly usefully defined as this all breaks
> > down as soon as you have two services that want to be run like this
> Okay, I appreciate that there's no built-in meta-unit that would permit me
> to say "start me to the exclusion of absolutely everything else." I agree
> that would fail the "what if two processes each tried to play that game?"
> test.
> I was just hoping that some unit exists that is synonymous with "the point
> upon which all traditional systemd work is dependent." I suppose nothing
> still exists matching that kind of weaker description? E.g., ".slice" or
> something like that.

You could order yourself before "local-fs-pre.target" plus the various
early-boot services we ship. That list is pretty limited and
relatively stable, but there's nothing nicer currently, no.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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