[systemd-devel] Unmount NBD swap on shutdown

Alkis Georgopoulos alkisg at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 11:38:46 PDT 2015

Hi, systemd runs swapoff on shutdown, but unfortunately another step is 
needed for NBD swap:
# nbd-client -d /dev/nbd1

This notifies the server that the client is shutting down, and thus the 
nbd-server process is terminated, the swap file is erased etc.

In order to work around that issue, I'm trying to create a systemd 
service that
1) Runs on shutdown:
2) Runs before `swapoff` and before the network gets down:
After=swap.target network.target
3) And at that time, it calls a script that calls swapoff itself, and 
then nbd-client -d:

It's not called at all though when I'm running `poweroff`. What am I 
doing wrong?
How can I invoke `nbd-client -d` on shutdown, but before the swap gets 
off and while the network is still up?

Thank you,
Alkis Georgopoulos

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