[systemd-devel] Query regarding "EnvironmentFile"

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Wed Dec 16 08:28:33 PST 2015

Am 16.12.2015 um 17:11 schrieb Simon Peeters:
> 2015-12-16 9:47 GMT+00:00 Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>:
>>> Why not do like normal people
>> "normal people" - what's wrong with you?
> Nothing really, all systems both at my direct employer and those at
> our customers run perfectly fine, and everything is automated, so in
> our relatively small team we have more than enough time left to de
> some R&D on future and upcoming tech.

so we do - 35 servers running Fedora and keep up-to-date from F9 to F23 
while i do the development of the software running on top at the same 
time and one additional team member helps out

>>> and use configmanagement to put the
>>> right apache config on the right host?
>> because i know how to configure servers and don't need handholding tools
>> since i develop my own admin backends for many years and services helping on
>> repeatly needed taks but don't chain me to a limited subset of the supported
>> options
> If you want to use your home grown configmanagement tool, then learn
> it to decently manage your apache config.

it does exactly what it is supposed to do and all is runnign perfectly 
fine as long not somebody breaks working things things by remove feautes 
for no good reason

>>> This whole "-D testserver" and "<IfDefine testserver>"  looks like an
>>> ugly workaround for a lacking configmanagment system.
>> config managements for webservers are ugly workaround for lacking knowledge
>> and only fine for 08/15 setups but a no-go where you need flexibility
> I think a lot of people disagree with you on that, including most of
> the devops world.

most of that people are using LTS distributions where you don't have 
major jumps - it's enough to care about major upgrades itself and i 
don't need the burden "does config mgmt xyz support version a of 
serversoftware b"

for my own development not rely on any 3rd party libraries i can 
guarantee that there are no compatibility breaks and since that works 
now over nearly 15 years inclduing a complete jump from Apple to Fedora 
i am proven right

no, i don't say you or anybody else should do it the same way, do what 
you want, in the area where i am responsible i do the things which are 
proven to work with as less complexity and dependencies as possible

>> go away with that crap - only over my dead body besides Perl, PHP and Python
>> now Ruby and it's dependencies would make it to any server here
> Then use something else, like ansible, which is python, or cfengine,
> or juju, or any other one in this list
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open-source_configuration_management_software

introducing another layer of complexity on a environment which works 
relieable and rock stable over many years and everybody who needs to 
touch it understands how and why things are working as they are supposed 
to do would be stupid

KISS - keep it simple stupid

> My point being if you want to manage your apache config, manage your
> apache config, intead of doing wierd workarounds with environment
> variables and changing the ExecStart of your service.
> In your case this is even flawed:
> If the /etc/sysconfig/httpd file changes, then a systemctl reload
> httpd wouldn't propagate the changes, while if you instead managed the
> config directly it would

well, you are talking about a no-problem since that file changed 3 times 
in 8 years where a hard restart of httpd is a no-brainer just because 
it's more often needed after PHP, zlib, pcre and what not updates

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