[systemd-devel] [PATCH] man: typos in systemd-network.xml regarding DHCP

Brian Redbeard redbeard at dead-city.org
Mon Feb 2 03:42:08 PST 2015

NM. I wasn't quite following.  I just re-parsed the statement:

The old names for the options are still accepted for compat, but we
only document the new names, to make people use only the new names.

While this was on systemd218 I just realized the commit is only as of a few weeks ago.  Comes down to local vs upstream man pages. Thanks for the clarification.

--Brian 'redbeard' Harrington

On 02/02/2015 03:30 AM, Brian Redbeard wrote:
> Hmm.  Interesting.  Something went sideways with the compatibility.  The lineage of this patch is due to the following errors:
> Jan 31 14:43:30 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Network Service...
> -- Subject: Unit systemd-networkd.service has begun with start-up
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel

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