[systemd-devel] [PATCH] Added UFD (Uplink failure detection) support to networkd

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Feb 2 09:31:05 PST 2015

On Thu, 29.01.15 17:00, Daniel Ankers (md1clv at md1clv.com) wrote:

> The problem I see with this approach is that it allows bizarre
> configurations to be specified which don't make sense in practice:
> e.g. 1 - Loop:
> /etc/systemd/network/downlink0.network:
> BindCarrier=uplink*
> /etc/systemd/network/uplink0.network:
> BindCarrier=downlink*
> e.g. 2 - Chain
> /etc/systemd/network/downlink0.network:
> BindCarrier=uplink*
> /etc/systemd/network/uplink0.network:
> BindCarrier=thirdlink*

I think this is not really an issue, since we'd bind the application
of a .network file to the physical carrier sense of other interfaces,
but not application of .network files to application of .network
files. Since the the application of .network files and carrier sense
are pretty much orthogonal creating a "loop" is not really doable,
unless you actually involve physically or virtually looping back the
carrier sense... 


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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