[systemd-devel] slow systemd-networkd DHCP client on wlan0 with systemd v217

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Feb 3 02:46:05 PST 2015

On Mon, 02.02.15 23:12, Charles Devereaux (systemd at guylhem.net) wrote:

> Another problem with systemd-networkd is that the lease is not renewed
> after sleep.
> This is a basic feature, a laptop is frequently physicially moved, which
> means another DHCP lease should be acquired, but I don't see how to
> do that.

Hmm, I figure all DHCP leases should be refreshed when we come back
from suspend. Hooking that up should be pretty easy. Added to the TODO

That said, isn't the link beat lost anyway during suspend, and thus we
should refresh automatically, anyway? 

Either way refreshing on resume can't hurt...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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