[systemd-devel] [PATCH] preset-transient

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Feb 11 12:51:34 PST 2015

On Fri, 06.02.15 20:28, Dimitri John Ledkov (dimitri.j.ledkov at intel.com) wrote:

> > Hum, we told at the sprint that we wanted to be that available for everyone,
> > and not having any conditions. Distros which still desires only the existing
> > behavior would not ship files in *-preset-transient directories.
> Running any presets commands unconditionally, without any preset
> configuration is harmful.
> Prime example, if one doesn't ship any .preset (even the one that
> comes with systemd) shutdown.target gets activated and all that system
> does on boot is going to shutdown straight away.

Hmm, not following? Can you elaborate?

> > Right now, I think that we shouldn't have a configuration flag for it, this
> > should apply (as stated above) to any setup, and distros can opt in or out
> > just by shipping those transient preset files.
> >
> Well, I understood, that we should allow both distros and user to
> opt-into either or both. Plus to successfully use transient-presets,
> one needs regular presets configured in concert as otherwise things go
> haywire as you have noted.

Why would this be a user choice at all? This appears to be strictly a
distro choice to me...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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