[systemd-devel] Mount options of /var/run/users/<pid>

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Feb 17 02:14:36 PST 2015

On Mon, 16.02.15 22:14, Павел Самсонов (pvsamsonov76 at gmail.com) wrote:

> If I have multiuser Linux installation with shell and DE access, my users
> have not places in system, where they able download something from internet
> and execute:
> / ro,exec
> /home rw,noexec
> /var rw,noexec
> All tmpfs noexec
> In Debian wheezy this done and work.
> In Debian jessie I have places (/run/users/*), where users may execute
> dowloaded executables. What I must do with this?

As mentioned already. We do not support mounting /run/user/* with
other mount options, and this is unlikely to hange. WHat you are
trying to do does not provide any security (as discussed in this
thread otherwise), and thus this is something we are unlikely to
consider to support.



Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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