[systemd-devel] systemd console messages (crippled)

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Tue Jan 6 07:07:38 PST 2015

Am 06.01.2015 um 16:04 schrieb Elias Probst:
> On 01/06/2015 03:53 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Messages are truncated because there's only so much space on 80
>>> column text displays, and filling the screeen with wrapped unit
>>> names is not useful anyway. This is supposed to give you an overview
>>> of what is happening. You can always view the details using journalctl
>>> and whatnot
>> but most text displays these days are wider then 80 columns and as user
>> i can assure you that i hate nothing more then crippled output when even
>> on a TTY i can pipe wrapped outputs through "less" or it even fits
>> wrapped on my screen at all
>> crippeled informations in case of troubles are annoying because you
>> don't know if the stripped part could be relevant in your situation
>> until you know what's there
>> this truncations everywhere due switching to systemd where one of the
>> reasons i got that angry in 2011
> The truncation should take the terminal width into account using
> fd_columns(). It looks like in your case it fails to determine the
> terminal width of your boot VT and therefore defaults to '80'.
> Please try to verify this.

the main point was that it is *not* helpful to truncate outputs as 
default regardsless screen width - even if someone is on a terminal with 
only 80 chars you don't do him a favor - he is frustrated anyways by the 
small screen and got more frustrated for the additional penalty

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