[systemd-devel] [PATCH] sysv-generator: only allow regular files in enumerate_sysv()

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Jan 14 05:39:41 PST 2015

Cristian Rodríguez wrote on 14/01/15 13:34:
> El 14/01/15 a las 09:21, Colin Guthrie escribió:
>> If I read the dirent_ensure_type and dirent_is_file code properly, this
>> would mean that symlinks to valid sysvinit scripts are now skipped.
> dirent_is_file() returns true for symlinks.

Jeez, I really failed at reading the code today.... sorry for the noise!

(that said, as a general question what happens in dirent_is_file() if
there is a symlink to a directory?)



Colin Guthrie

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