[systemd-devel] [PATCH v2 1/2] systemd.unit(5): add examples for common tasks

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Jan 27 10:12:03 PST 2015

On Tue, 27.01.15 17:45, Christian Seiler (christian at iwakd.de) wrote:

> Add examples for (a) making units enableable and (b) overriding vendor
> settings to the man page.

I am not a native english speaker, but I am not sure there's a word
like "enableable" in the english language. Maybe rephrase this as
"allowing units to be enabled"?

> +                        linking to the actual unit will be created. It
> +                        tells systemd to pull in the unit when starting
> +                        <filename>multi-user.target</filename>. The
> +                        converse <command>systemctl disable</command>
> +                        will remove that symlink again.</para>
> +                </example>

converse? shouldn't it be reverse or inverse?

> +                        <programlisting>[Unit]
> +Description=Some HTTP server
> +After=network.target remote-fs.target sqldb.service

Given the fact that "network.target" is so vaguely defined, and not
even necessary in most cases, I'd really suggest removing this bit
fromt the After= line.

> +[Service]
> +Type=notify
> +ExecStart=/usr/sbin/some-fancy-httpd-server
> +TimeoutStartSec=5

I think the default timeout should be fine. THere's usually no good
reason to change it.

> +                        <para>The first possibility is to copy the unit
> +                        file to
> +                        <filename>/etc/systemd/system/httpd.service</filename>
> +                        and change the chosen settings:</para>
> +
> +                        <programlisting>[Unit]
> +Description=Some HTTP server
> +After=network.target remote-fs.target sqldb.service <emphasis>memcached.service</emphasis>
> +Requires=sqldb.service <emphasis>memcached.service</emphasis>
> +ConditionPathExists=<emphasis>/srv/www</emphasis>

I wonder if the example should better use AssertionXYZ rather than
ConditionXYZ for this?

Looks great otherwise!


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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