[systemd-devel] question about BUS_MATCH_ARG_PATH

eshark77 at 163.com eshark77 at 163.com
Wed Jun 10 05:35:11 PDT 2015

Hi, All,
     According to the DBus protocol, http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html 
       " An example argument path match is arg0path='/aa/bb/'. This would match messages with first arguments of '/', '/aa/', '/aa/bb/', '/aa/bb/cc/' and '/aa/bb/cc'. It would not match messages with first arguments of '/aa/b', '/aa' or even '/aa/bb'. "       
    Then  I did a simple  test using the  attached  test-bus-kernel-bloom.c , and I found that  if  I used arg0path='/p1/p2/' , the callback function couldn't run when I sent emit signal with  '/' , '/p1/' , '/p1/p2/p3'.

   I traced into the codes , and modified bloom_add_prefixes() , then I can watch the signals with '/p1/p2/p3' , and '/p1/p2/' , but still cannot watch the signals with '/' or '/p1/'.

  Any recommendations are appreciated.   


Best Regards,
Li Cheng

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