[systemd-devel] Pass environment variables down to systemd-service in container

Peter Paule systemd-devel at fedux.org
Fri Jun 12 08:50:48 PDT 2015

Hi there,

is there a chance to pass (the given) environment variables down to
`unicorn` and `delayed_job-worker`?

    systemd (host)
       - docker-app.service
           - docker
               - systemd (container)
                   - unicorn (ruby)
                   - delayed_job-worker (ruby)


I need to wrap a rails application within CentOS-image. To make the image
re-usable I decided to use the DATABASE_URL-environment variable to configure
the database. I also need to switch the RAILS_ENV.

I'm using this image here
https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/feduxorg/centos/dockerfile/. It's based on
the official docker image which uses the `systemd-container`-package from

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