[systemd-devel] 628c89cc (tentative devices) + disk/by-label udev rule

Peter Mattern matternp at arcor.de
Wed Jun 17 06:44:18 PDT 2015

The messages about several sysfs paths per device aren't caused by 
volume labels as seen in /dev/disk/by-label only.
On GPT systems they seem to be triggered by identical partition labels 
corresponding to variable PARTLABEL in output of blkid as well.
Also, they can be seen launching Arch Linux installer's live system the 
file system handling of which I don't know well enough to tell what 
exactly is happening.

I guess the solution to just suppress the messages will still be the 
same but thought it may make sense to quickly mention those findings 
here as the thread had been limited to labels in /dev/disk/by-label so far.

On a side note several partitions tagged by the same partition label 
will probably exist on nearly every system. As /dev/disk/by-partlabel  
seems to reference only one per label I wonder whether this directory 
makes any sense at all.


Peter Mattern

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