[systemd-devel] I am adding RegisterMachine to docker.

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Fri May 29 02:24:19 PDT 2015

Daniel J Walsh wrote on 28/05/15 21:05:
> When container stops machinectl still shows it registered?  Do I need to
> Unregister the machine?  I though systemd would notice the pid died and
> remove the machine.

IIRC there was a really old problem with lingering machine name
registrations. It prevented nspawn being used multiple times too
(without specifying a new, unique, machine name explicitly)

I can't recall where the problem lied but I suspect it was in an old
kernel. Doubt this is your issue, but figured I'd mention it just in
case. It was quite old (1.5y+ IIRC)



Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited http://www.tribalogic.net/
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