[systemd-devel] Help writing a user service file that will exec a command upon system sleep

Simon McVittie simon.mcvittie at collabora.co.uk
Thu Oct 29 12:27:44 PDT 2015

On 29/10/15 18:52, John wrote:
> This is an interesting idea but I would like to learn about user units and sleep mode :)

I think the intention is that per-user code deals with sleep by having a
service (daemon) that registers to inhibit suspend; when it is notified
that systemd would like to suspend, it does what it needs to do, then
releases the inhibit to allow suspend to continue.

Here's a working implementation (it also handles two flavours of network
connectivity, but you can ignore those bits), which Telepathy uses to
try to log out from IM services before suspending:

Simon McVittie
Collabora Ltd. <http://www.collabora.com/>

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