[systemd-devel] a problem about the order of service shudown in systeamd

lucien xin lucien.xin at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 03:18:50 PDT 2015

> yes
> while it make sno difference if you define Before= in one unit or After= in
> the other, if a service at shutdown should be stopped before another one it
> needs just to be startet afterward at boot
> and it makes sense
> * something needs networking
> * so it is started after networking at boot
> * well, it is hence implicit stopped before network at shutdown
> * otherwise it may hang because it does some network operation
>   at stop while network is no longer there
> * that's why it are dependencies which also means one needs the other

then, about this bug, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1264175
it's a special case
do you have any idea what we can do in teamd.service to avoid this issue?

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