[systemd-devel] RFC: removing initctl support

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Sep 24 06:01:21 PDT 2015

On Thu, 24.09.15 13:18, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard (j.deboynepollard-newsgroups at ntlworld.com) wrote:

> In an ideal world you would be able to have a routine that detected the running
> system manager, and then did whatever was appropriate to that system manager to
> power off, from sending signals to process #1 through running the System 5
> init/rc clone's "shutdown -h -P now" command to sending requests to upstart's
> Desktop Bus API.  In the real world, all of the problems that make detecting the
> running system manager really difficult to do that are described at
> http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/196252/5132 rear their ugly heads.  (A further
> problem not mentioned there: Joachim Nilsson's finit also responds to "initctl
> version".)

That stackexchange link lists a pile of garbage. We have an official
API to check whether the system is booted with systemd:
sd_booted(). It's documented here:


And we even document on that man page what precisely it does
internally (which is equivalent to access("/run/systemd/system/",
F_OK) >= 0) and suggest people to reimplement that simple check in the
language of their choice, even in shell... That way, they don't even
have to link against libsystemd.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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