[systemd-devel] Having my script blocking all other scripts until it ends

Vivenzio Pagliari vivenzio.pagliari at nokia.com
Thu Sep 24 08:18:48 PDT 2015

On 2015-09-24 10:39:33, EXT Luca Bertoncello wrote:
> > Could you rephrase this question?
> Well, my script does something that require time and all other processes
> on the server MUST run during this operation.
> But right now, after systemd execute my "stop script", it prosecute and
> stop all other processes at the same time (or almost).
> Then my question: how can I block the "shutdown process" until my script
> is done?

Is your service that shall block the subsequent ones in shutdown of Type
"oneshot". I'd expect that the same that is valid for startup is also valid
for shutdown. Quoting systemd.service(5) manpage:

    Behavior of oneshot is similar to simple; however, it is expected that
    the process has to exit before systemd starts follow-up units.

This implies "blocking behaviour", AFAIU.


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