[systemd-devel] systemd efi boot and default entry

Tobias Hunger tobias.hunger at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 23:20:06 UTC 2016

Hi Johann,

Am 01.04.2016 17:38 schrieb "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" <johannbg at gmail.com>:
> So if your server has the role of an web server and the web service fails
to run or is not run ( for example you forgot to enable it, or you
misconfigured it before rebooting ) or that phone home service failed since
it could not contact it's home server due to wide variety of possible
network related issue or was booted into a different boot target or due to
simple type unit (mis)ordering that would constitute as the operating
system failing to boot?


My server is stateless and immutable. So it has one configuration set up to
do one task. When I deploy a new state (think: /usr partition, kernel,
/etc) I need to boot into that new state.

If the server fails to do its job after a reboot (as determined by some
check I define), then it should definitely reboot into the previous state.

> I dont follow that logic and with my administrator hat on would never
want to have my servers rely or depend on such boot completion logic sorry.

That is fine for you to not want that. But please do not dismiss my
use-cases in such a round-about way.

When a boot is successful depends a lot on the context of the system. Feel
free to implement a sane default, but please allow for a wide range of
customizations. Your laptop is a very different use-case than a small
device in an inaccessible location: If networking does not work in your
laptop, you are right there to fix it. In an sensor taking measurements at
the bottom of the ocean, loss of networking due to a buggy kernel driver is
much harder/expensive to fix.

Best Regards,
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