[systemd-devel] SELinux is preventing (ostnamed) from mounton access on the directory /home

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Apr 19 14:44:31 UTC 2016

On Tue, 19.04.16 16:24, Samuel Rakitničan (samuel.rakitnican at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a system that is an upgrade from Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 Alpha.
> Occasionally I get messages about selinux blocking systemd-hostnamed from
> mounton access on /home. I can trigger this issue by running command
> hostnamectl.
> Is this supposed to happen? Is systemd-hostnamed supposed to do something
> in /home directories and what might be the right fix for this?
> On the second side I have another Fedora 24 system that is new install
> using this same /home partition, and there is no this issue there.
> Secondly, why is name of process trimmed, like (ostnamed), is this
> intentional?

When PID 1 starts a service binary it will first fork off a process,
then adjust the process' parameters according to the service config
and finally invoke execve() to execute the actual service process. In
the time between the fork and the exec, we use PR_SET_NAME to change
the process' name to what is going to be started, to make it easy to
map this to the eventual service started. Note however, that there's a
strict size limit on he "comm" name (i.e. the process name that my be
set with PR_SET_NAME, i.e. the one "top" shows), which means we have
to truncate. We chop off the beginning of the string, since usually
the suffix is more interesting (otherwise, all of systemd's various
services would appears as "(systemd-)" – which isn't particularly
useful). We enclose the name in (), in order to clarify that this is
the process that is going to become the specified process eventually,
but isn't it yet. Or in other words: the alert you see is not caused
by systemd-hostnamed itself, it's caused by systemd while is preparing
to start systemd-hostnamed.

The actual SELinux mount alert you see is because systemd-hostnamed
actually uses ProtectedHome= (check with "systemctl cat
systemd-hostnamed", the last line). That switch uses fs namespacing to
lock hostnamed into a sandbox where /home is mounted read-only,
because it really shouldn't access that, ever. See systemd.service(5)
for details about that switch.

Normally, the SELinux policy should simply allow this however, please
file a bug against the SELinux policy in fedora.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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