[systemd-devel] systemd hibernator generator does not function on default Fedora install

Michael Biebl mbiebl at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 00:50:42 UTC 2016

2016-04-21 0:56 GMT+02:00 Michael Biebl <mbiebl at gmail.com>:
> 2016-04-20 11:14 GMT+02:00 Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net>:
>> Here's the heuristics code logind uses to check whether hibernation
>> shall be considered available or not:
>> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/shared/sleep-config.c#L229
>> i.e. it checks that the RAM size is smaller than 0.98 times the
>> currently unused swap space.
> Since we already have safety checks in place, would it make sense to
> include checking /proc/cmdline for resume= being set (at least for
> MBR)?
> I know, that the grub configuration might change after the boot, but
> this would be a rare case.

On second thought, maybe not such a good idea as this would break
hibernate on alternate initramfs generators, like initramfs-tools,
which don't require resume= to be set on the kernel command line.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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