[systemd-devel] Timer: time format

Mikhail Kasimov mikhail.kasimov at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 11:48:05 UTC 2016


Due to system.time 
(https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html) we 
have a construction "year-month-day hour:minute:second".

Hence, OnCalendar=*:12:00 construction means ' run my service at any 
hour on 12th minute on 00 seconds'. To specify 'running every 12 hours 
', use, for example, OnCalendar=00,12:00:00 or OnCalendar=*-*-* 
00,12:00:00, which is equal. Or, if you need to run your service twice 
on specified day (for example): OnCalendar=Mon,Fri 00,12:00:00 (on 
Monday and Friday at 00 and 12 hours).

Something like this way...

23.08.2016 12:38, arnaud gaboury пишет:
> I am really sorry for this post as this may sound like a trivial one,
> but honestly the timer topic is difficult to understand for me (at
> least the time format).
> I am looking to run a service twice a day, never mind the time. I
> understand I must use OnCalendar, but I have no idea for the rest.
> I was thinking of OnCalendar=*:12:00   for running every 12 hours. Is
> it right (or will it run every day at noon) ?
> Thank you for help

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