[systemd-devel] Best way to limit per-user system-wide units

Michael Chapman mike at very.puzzling.org
Tue Dec 13 22:21:22 UTC 2016

On Wed, 14 Dec 2016, Samuel Williams wrote:
> Reindl, I understand where you are coming from, but I'm not sure I
> understand what the alternative you are proposing is, are you
> suggesting I use su?

Putting aside the issue of having users link their own units into the 
system configuration -- as pointed out else in this thread, that comes 
with a *lot* of security issues -- you don't even need sudo or su to allow 
users to control system units.

systemd uses polkit for authentication, and you can write polkit rules to 
grant access to particular operations on particular units to particular 
users or groups.

Unfortunately this feature isn't particularly well-documented at the 
moment, but you can take a look at an example at the top of:


More details on these rule files are in the polkit(8) manpage, under 
Authorization Rules.

- Michael

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