[systemd-devel] [RFC] the chopping block

Matthias Urlichs matthias at urlichs.de
Thu Feb 11 18:18:50 UTC 2016

On 11.02.2016 18:49, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Again: this does not break systems with split off /var, as I tried to
> make very clear in my original mail. All that's needed is that the
> initrd mounts /var before handing off control to the main system.
I know that. Please don't assume that I misunderstood you just because
every systemd-basher during the last five years did the same thing. :-P

However, it *does* break systems which do not mount /var in their initrd
despite having /var (or a piece thereof) split off.
Such changes should have a "deprecated" phase between "works fine" and
"needs manual intervention".

The number of such systems is definitely not zero. In addition to
multi-boot machines with shared /var/{log,tmp,cache} sub-mounts, there's
the "somewhat-embedded system with root on SDHC card and /var on hard
disk / NFS / whatever" usecase. Some of these may not even *have* an initrd.

-- Matthias Urlichs

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