[systemd-devel] New "ubuntu-ci" integration tests are being added to PRs

Daniel Mack daniel at zonque.org
Thu Feb 18 11:26:43 UTC 2016

On 02/18/2016 12:19 PM, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
> On 02/18/2016 10:22 AM, Daniel Mack wrote:
>> I disagree. All sorts of testing is good for us, and if a PR is breaking
>> downstream Ubuntu, and we recognize that before merging, that's really
>> great.
> I'm all for more testing the better but due to downstream fragmentation 

Fragmentation? Martin does not apply any patches downstream for his
tests, so I don't see where this fear is coming from?

> all these have the same fundamental problem as are with multiple 
> downstream issue trackers.

But it's different for CI really.

> In this case you start slowing down integration if PR start failing in 


Let's see how things go, and assess the situation if we really face too
many false positives. As I said - we're running all our CI on Ubuntu so
far, and unrelated build breakages have rarely been a real issue. And
again - if things break, we should at least learn about the fact.


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