[systemd-devel] New "ubuntu-ci" integration tests are being added to PRs

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 19 07:29:22 UTC 2016

Martin Pitt [2016-02-18  9:01 +0100]:
> However, an awful lot of the runs currently fail with a linker error.
> I filed [2] and will investigate.

Thanks to Filipe that got fixed quickly (it was a recent bug in the
build system indeed). Fun thing is that I didn't actually intend to do
that "--disable-all" variant build, this was an unintended side effect
of GitHub modifying the test request URL. (This got worked around

So all of the glue is in place, and these work now. I went through the
PRs that got opened since we enabled the new tests, and they all have
(mostly) successful runs now.

Two tests (journal getting a log and backtrace of a bash crash, and
networkd handling a hotplugged IPv6 interface) fail very often when
running against upstream for some reason; I disabled these two for now
as we don't want to have all PRs have red flags because of known
issues which already existed before (i. e. they are not regressions
from that PR). I'll investigate these.

I'll watch incoming over the next days, and sort out the remaining
fallout (I'm sure there will be something :) ).

This test is currently being triggered on x86_64 only (amd64 in
Debianspeak). In principle we can also trigger them on i386, or more
exotically, IBM System Z (aka S/390x). We don't have QEMU on the
latter and thus can only run a relatively small subset of integration
tests (those that can run in containers). But it would at least give
us the build and unit test, and a little bit of real-life testing. Is
there any interest in enabling those? (Not right away, but maybe in a
few weeks when things settle down with x86_84).



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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