[systemd-devel] Creating .service files for sets of similar services

Terry Burton tez at terryburton.co.uk
Fri Feb 26 13:06:25 UTC 2016


I have an application that in part consists of a number of instances
of similar processes (each with their own configuration and bound to
neighbouring ports, etc.)

I could create a .service file for each instance from a template but
I'm wondering whether systemd has some built-in way of handling this
situation. Maybe something akin to generators but for services based
on a template and with fewer early-boot requirements?

Previously I had a single init script (init.d.fake/app-N) to which I
pointed a symlink for each instance (e.g. init.d/app-5) and the init
script would extract the instance number from $0. So only a single
file to maintain. Systemd seems just a little more awkward.

Obviously its trivial to template this outside of systemd but am I
missing something native?



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