[systemd-devel] Adding a Timer section to .service files

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Fri Jul 8 13:08:31 UTC 2016

Am 08.07.2016 um 15:03 schrieb One Infinite Loop:
> If you want to disable timer alone or do something else, then you could
> use .timer file. If not, instead of [Install] section in  .service file,
> you​ could have a [Timer] section

so and when the distribution package ships one of them and you create 
the other one which wins?

a timer unit has a service with the same name which is expected to be 
*disabled* because it is started by the timer with the same name

so how do you imagine *disable* a timer in the same service file

sorry, but your idea is ill-conceived

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