[systemd-devel] question on special configuration case

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson johannbg at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 23:10:07 UTC 2016

On 06/07/2016 10:17 PM, Hebenstreit, Michael wrote:

> I understand this usage model cannot be compared to laptops or web servers. But basically you are saying systemd is not usable for our High Performance Computing usage case and I might better off by replacing it with sysinitV. I was hoping for some simpler solution, but if it's not possible then that's life. Will certainly make an interesting topic at HPC conferences :P

I personally would be interesting comparing your legacy sysv init setup 
to an systemd one since systemd is widely deployed on embedded devices 
with minimal build ( systemd, udevd and journald ) where systemd 
footprint and resource usage has been significantly reduced.

Given that I have pretty much crawled in the entire mud bath that makes 
up the core/baseOS layer in Fedora ( which RHEL and it's clone derive 
from ) when I was working on integrating systemd in the distribution I'm 
also interesting how you plan on making a minimal targeted base image 
which installs and uses just what you need from that ( dependency ) mess 
without having to rebuild those components first. ( I would think 
systemd "tweaking" came after you had solved that problem first along 
with rebuilding the kernel if your plan is to use just what you need ).


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