[systemd-devel] question on special configuration case

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Jun 8 12:50:30 UTC 2016

On Tue, 07.06.16 22:17, Hebenstreit, Michael (michael.hebenstreit at intel.com) wrote:

> Thanks for the answers 
> > Well, there's no tracking of sessions anymore, i.e. polkit and all that stuff won't work anymore reasonably, and everything else that involves anything graphical and so on.
> Nothing listed is in anyway used on our system as already laid out
> in the original mail. Your answer implies though there is no real
> security issue though (like sshd not working or being exploitable to
> gain access to other accounts) - is this correct?

Yes, that's correct.

> > If I were you I'd actually look what wakes up the system IRL
> > instead of just trying to blanket remove everything.  Can you
> > clarify how dbus-daemon, systemd-journald, systemd-logind,
> > systemd-udevd are causing issue/impacting in the above setup some
> > thing more than "I dont think we need it hence we want to disable
> > it".
> The approach "if you do not need it, do not run it" works for this
> case pretty well. Systemd demons take up cycles without doing
> anything useful for us. We do not do any logging, we do not change
> the hardware during runtime - so no matter how little time those
> unit consumes, it impacts scalability. As explained this is not
> acceptable in our environment.

Well, they really shouldn't take up cycles when idle, except for the
watchdog stuff, which is easy to disable... It sounds like the much
better idea to track this down, and fix it in the individual case.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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