[systemd-devel] Using btrfs subvolumes with systemd

Florent Peterschmitt florent at peterschmitt.fr
Fri Jun 10 13:48:38 UTC 2016

10 juin 2016 15:31 "Lennart Poettering" <lennart at poettering.net> a écrit:
> On Thu, 09.06.16 20:30, Florent Peterschmitt (florent at peterschmitt.fr) wrote:
>> # udevadm info /dev/mapper/root
>> P: /devices/virtual/block/dm-0
>> N: dm-0
>> E: DEVNAME=/dev/dm-0
>> E: DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/block/dm-0
>> E: DEVTYPE=disk
>> E: MAJOR=253
>> E: MINOR=0
>> E: SUBSYSTEM=block
> So, the question is why this is set for your device. It could be set
> for two reasons: because the DM rules decide so, or because the btrfs
> rules decide so.
> I am not a DM pro, so I am not going to comment on that, but if
> it's the btrfs udev rules, then it would be this file:
> /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/64-btrfs.rules
> Which sets SYSTEMD_READY=0 in case the btrfs ioctls claim that the
> device isn't ready yet to be mounted.
> That said, I'd still bet the DM setup of yours is hosed, and the btrfs
> stuff works fine. If the DM stuff would work correctly you'd have
> properties like DM_NAME or DM_UUID on the device, but you do not.
> Lennart
> --
> Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

I have no udev rules at all in this initramfs, and as I said in another mail, i'll try with genkernel-next that embeds udev (there is a specific option for that) and do stuff with SYSTEMD_READY.

Florent Peterschmitt

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